
Gal. 3:8 x Rom. 1:2, 4

Scriptural knowledge needed now more than ever

The context of these familiar verses (2 Tim. 3:12-14) instructs us that knowledge of the Scriptures is the Christian’s defense and remedy against inevitable persecution and the deterioration of the last days.

The music of worship is high priority

Under Nehemiah’s reforms (12:47), the singers and musicians got paid again along with the Levites because worship is high priority.

Singing and Christian joy

The great joy of Jerusalem is described by Nehemiah (12:42-43) as: 1) loud singing, 2) including wive and children (thus led by the men), 3) so that it was heard even afar off. So the joy of the church is greatest when men lead their wives and children in singing, and such joy is a joyful witness and invitation even to those who are far off.

God’s judgment is also his salvation

The judges of Israel are also called their “saviors” (Neh. 9:27), even as Christ’s return for judgment is the day of our redemption. God’s judgment is salvation for the meek (Ps. 76:9; Matt. 5:5).