John 8:11
Acts 15:20, 29
1 Cor. 6:9-10, 13-20; 7:2
2 Cor. 12:21 The call to repent is always for upbuilding
Gal. 5
Eph. 5
Col. 3:5
1 Thess. 4:1-8
Rev. 2:21
AC 12 says repentance bears fruit and amendment of life. Ap. 12:174 spells these out: “What these fruit are, we learn from the commandments—prayer, thanksgiving, the confession of the Gospel, the teaching of the Gospel, obedience to parents and magistrates, faithfulness to one’s calling, peaceable conduct instead of murder and hatred, the greatest possible generosity to the needy, restraint and chastisement of the flesh instead of adultery and fornication, truthfulness—not to buy off eternal punishment but to keep from surrendering to the devil or offending the Holy Spirit. These fruits are commanded by God, they should be done to his glory and because of his command, and they have their reward” (Tappert 210).