Matt. 10:20 + Gal. 4:6
John 15:26, 16:7 + John 14:16;
John 16:13–14 (HS receives message from Son) + Isa. 11:4; 2 Thess. 2:8
Rev. 22:1 + Jn. 7:38–39
Pieper I.414
Gerhard, De Spir. s. §§ 73–90. A good discussion. 76: “Persona diuina non mittitur, nisi ab ea, a qua est producta. Atqui Spiritus sanctus mittitur a Filio. Ergo etiam procedit a Filio.” So, does the Son send the Father? No, because the Son is begotten of the Father. Likewise, the Father and Son send the Holy Spirit because he proceeds from both. 82: The order and relation of the persons is preserved in the Filioque; otherwise why is the Son the second and what is the relation between Him and the HS? 87 (quoted in Walther-Baier): “Pater facultatem illam spiratiuam habeat a seipso, Filius autem a Patre per ineffabilem generationem accipiat.”
Nagel: “We rejoice to confess filioque because the Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus. That is the point.”