Gal. 3:8
J. Kilcrease: “Objective Atonement and Objective Justification are actually two separate things. Objective Atonement means that Jesus has died for all sins, Objective Justification means that God the Father has received this atonement and responded to it by pronouncing a universal word of forgiveness and thereby sending the Holy Spirit to channel this message through the resurrection of Christ and the means of grace…a rejection of an Objective Justification paired with the orthodox doctrine of election would logically imply a limited atonement. In other words, for Rydecki, much as in Calvinism, one has an atonement that is sufficient for the sins of the world. Nevertheless, since there is no universal declaration of forgiveness (which the elect subsequently respond to with faith), logically, the promise can only be good for the elect and not for everyone else as well. The negative effect of this is that since the universal promise isn't actually sincere except for the elect, one is driven back to the quality of one's faith to discern their election. The only difference between Calvin and Rydecki then would be that for Calvinism election happens logically prior to atonement in God's order of decrees, whereas for Rydecki it happens afterwards.”
More Marquart.
Here is a translation of a doctrinal essay delivered at the first
meeting of the Synodical conference in 1872:
Marquart took up the issue again in the Festschrift for Robert Preus,
with his contribution:
Jay Webber, ELS pastor, seminary classmate of mine, has for years been
holding the line and I believe offering a healthy perspective on the
Here is one of Robert Preus’ grandson’s, Andrew, ably defending his Grandfather against the truly unhinged accusations of Greg Jackson, that Robert did NOT teach UOJ.