Gerhard, Forensic laws, §43: Scripture does not say that the moral law is dead, abrogated, or nullified, but we are called dead and abrogated from the Law to show that a change has taken place, not in the norm of righteousness in God, but in us. Rom. 3:31: “We do not abrogate (καταργοῦμεν) the Law by faith,” but we are “κατηργήθημεν [abrogated] from the Law, having died” (Rom. 7:6). The Law does not stop accusing, cursing, or working wrath but, (Rom. 8:2): “The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has freed us (ἠλευθέρωσέ) from the Law of sin and death.” The Law is not dead; in fact, in and of itself it is a “living oracle” (Acts 7:38). Rather, we ἐθανατώθημεν “died to the Law” (Rom. 7:4 and Gal. 2:19). The word of the Law is eternal (Gal. 3:10 and 13): “Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in this book, to do them, but Christ has redeemed us (ἐξηγόρασεν) from the curse of the Law.”