Order of Creation

Gen. 2:18–24; 3:6, 16–17

1 Cor. 10:14–11:34; 14:33–34

Ephesians 5–6

Col. 3:18

1 Tim. 2:11–13, 3:1–7

Titus 1:5–9, 2:3–5

1 Peter 3:1–7

Luther: Therefore Rachel is assisted by nature, or by the character and industry of women with which this sex has been endowed. Although it has not been destined by God for government of the state or church, where the greatest strength of character and wisdom is required, they have nevertheless been ordained for the care of the home. (Lectures on Genesis, AE 6: 60, emphasis added)

Lectures on Ecclesiastes, AE 15: 130–131,

Thomas Winger, Ephesians (St. Louis: Concordia, 2015), 598ff.

Eschelbach, QQ, p. 470–475; 490; 592; 652–654; 748–753