Ap. 21:13: “Prayer without faith is not prayer.”
Wilhelm Loehe, Seed-Grains of Prayer, #3: Merciful God, we do indeed not know what we should pray, neither how we should present our petitions unto Thee. We are by nature negligent and indifferent to pray, and our little earthly occupations do so easily keep us away from, or at least hinder us in our prayers. To all this come the manifold temptations of the devil, ever ready to make us err on all sides in our prayers. Therefore, I pray Thee, O Lord, my God, pour out upon me abundantly the Spirit of grace and prayer, that I may boldly surmount every hindrance and pray unto Thee diligently according to Thy will, and obtain all those things that are salutary and needful for me both in soul and body, now and evermore, through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, my only Savior. Amen.
Three Estates as the form of our prayer list (Answers, “For whom should I pray?”)
(Wolfmueller): Immediate prayers to pray first to get to the list of things I ought to pray (LP): (1) What am I worried about? (2) What am I angry about? (3) What are my plans?