There is a difference between His presence and your taking. He (namely, God) is free and unbound wherever He is and does not have to stand there like a knave put in a pillory or with an iron collar around his neck.…The same thing is true of Christ. Even though He is present everywhere, He does not let you take hold of Him or reach for Him. He can divest Himself of His shell, so that you get the shell and do not take hold of the kernel. Why? Because there is a difference when God is present and when He is present for you. But He is present for you when He adds His Word, binds Himself with it, and says: "Here you shall find Me." Now when you have the Word, you can be certain that you are taking hold of Him and have Him. And you can say: "Here I have You, just as You say." (Luther, WA 23, 151, 3ff; quoted in Elert, The Structure of Lutheranism, p. 314).
Gerhard, On Christ, CPH p. 119 (7) explains how Christ's body is present nonlocally