Definition of repentance:
Ap. XII (V) 28–29 (= contrition and faith)
Change of worldview (first principles) from works-righteousness to Christ’s righteousness; from man’s Word (enthusiasm) to God’s Word. Fluegge (44) discusses classical meaning of νοῦς: “translated into Latin as intellectus, is the habitus of intuitively grasping principles (principia) apart from supporting demonstration. Melanchthon refers to it as the notitia principiorum (CR 13:536).” Therefore we could say that μετάνοια is worldview shift to Christ and away from the “fundamental principles of the world” (Gal. 4:3, 9; Col. 2:8, 20; Heb. 5:12; 6:1; Prov. 9:10 et al.)
Fruits of repentance:
Ap. XIIB (VI) 71[168]-77[174]