Ezekiel 13:9 (also could be basis for theological rational for faithful transmission of text) Christ foreknows the Scriptures and their preservation
Walther (quoted in Walther and the Church, ed. Th. Engelder, CPH, 1938, 14): It is absolutely necessary that we maintain the doctrine of inspiration as taught by our orthodox dogmaticians. If the possibility that Scripture contained the least error were admitted, it would become the business of man to sift the truth from the error. That places man over Scripture, and Scripture is no longer the source and norm of doctrine. Human reason is made the norma of truth, and Scripture is degraded to the position of a norma normata. The least deviation from the old inspiration doctrine introduces a rationalistic germ into theology and infect the whole body of doctrine.
Gregory (Moral., bk. 34, ch. 16): “If He made a false threat to correct one from unrighteousness, then He also made a false promise to call one to righteousness. Who would endure the insanity of those who try to assert that what the Truth has threatened is not true and, while fussing to present Him as merciful, are not afraid to call Him a liar?”