Valerius Herberger, Magnalia Dei: This is very beneficial for us Christians to know. Because the Lord Jesus Himself spoke the words of the holy Ten Commandments in the Old Testament, because He Himself explained and summarized them in the New Testament, they must also apply to and be binding on Christians. Indeed, no Christian should be hesitant to learn the holy Ten Commandments and repeat them often in his house; for they alone show us whereof a Christlike and pious life consists. Moreover, it is also comforting that the same Person who uttered the Ten Commandments also fulfilled them in our stead and paid for our sins. Who could manage to fulfill the holy Ten Commandments better? And so, because this person is coming again at the Final Judgment, we have the greater consolation that He will not condemn us repentant hearts for our disobedience, but will let us partake of His full atonement. The doctor who understands the disease is able to locate the best medicine. So since Jesus knows our disease, as He proves in the Ten Commandments, He will be all the better at finding the medicine by which we ailing patients can be cured.