Fears about having children largely center on the inconvenience they bring. They consume money, food, and energy. They tie up your time and need things at inconvenient times. Like most things in life, parenting involves many uncertainties with no guarantees. To be open to children is be willing to be inconvenienced. And yet it is also to be open to love and joy.
The God who is love created us for His love. He did not have to create us but He did by grace. We ended up causing Him great inconvenience and pain. We cause him a lot of trouble and cost Him the life of His beloved Son. He was not obligated to save us when we had fallen. Redeemed us for the “joy that was set before him.” He makes us His children in Holy Baptism and brings us into the family. He wants all to be saved and welcomes us with open arms, despite the inconvenience to Himself.