The natural family is the anti-metaverse

The natural family is the opposite of the metaverse. Or, what is the same, the metaverse is anti-family.

The family is the seedbed of piety and duty, both to God and country—in other words, to one’s real duties [[Marriage]]. But the metaverse encourages people to be detatched from reality by offering them a world of their own creating. Choice becomes the highest good. But God gives us the family for the very opposite effect. God places us in families that we did not choose. The family naturally takes me out of myself and into love for my neighbor. The metaverse tends to the opposite. Of course, not every possible application of the technology is evil, but the technology as whole tends toward a delusional word without God, whose digitized “heavens” do not declare the glory of God. God made the real world to “pour forth speech” about His eternal power and divine nature (Ps. 19:2, Rom. 1:18-19). The more humanity hides from reality for a self-chosen “virtual” (that is, not real) substitute, the farther from God it will drift and the more it will suppress the truth in unrighteousness. The virtual metaverse says nothing to you, but “the sky above proclaims God’s handiwork” (Ps. 19:1).

See John Horvat II, “How the ‘metaverse’ will create a virtual Hell on Earth.”