Gerhard teaches the Lord’s Prayer

Gerhard nicely summarizes the Lord’s Prayer as being about man’s end, which is to glorify God and enjoy him forever (On death, § 413):

In the Lord’s Prayer we ask: (1) For the goal of our life, both the principal end (which is the glory of God) in the First Petition, and the subordinate end (which is our salvation) in the Second Petition. (2) We ask for the things which bring both of these ends, namely (a) the acquisition of means, both principal (which is piety) in the Third Petition, and secondary (which is the sustenance of life) in the Fourth Petition; (b) the removal of hindrances, namely, of past sins in the Fifth Petition and of future ones in the Sixth Petition; and, finally, freedom from all adversities in the Seventh Petition.

We pray for our end:

  1. Primary: God’s glory, that His name be kept holy
  2. Secondary: man’s salvation, the kingdom of faith

We pray for the Means to this end:

  1. Primary: spiritual health, that we be kept in His Word and faith
  2. Secondary: bodily health, that we receive what we need on the way

We pray for the removal of means contrary to this end:

  1. Past sins, which afflict the conscience
  2. Future sins, which tempt to false belief
  3. Freedom from all adversities, which brings us a blessed end