1 Thess. 5:12-13: Pastors are to labor, to be over, to admonish; to be respected and to be esteemed highly on account of the work (not their persons). This results in a peaceful congregation. But the congregation that does not respect its pastor or esteem him despises both the Word he administers and their own peace (Despising the ministry).
This also means that the congregation must recognize what the actual work of the ministry is and requires. They should not disparage his study and prayer time as a lack of work:
The gift that is given in the laying on of hands is the authority to preach and, thereby, the permission, indeed the necessity, for the pastor to spend his days in the Word of God. This is so that unlike those who use the Law unlawfully, the man of God would understand what he says.[1]
See Luther on the three kinds of “sweat” in OHM, Power-Duties of